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    Kabrinskiy Eduard - Devops for salesforce - Кабринский Рдуард

    <h1>Devops for salesforce</h1>
    Devops for salesforce <a href="http://remmont.com">Important news today</a> Devops for salesforce
    <h1>Devops for salesforce</h1>
    <p>There are two ways to deploy code to test in a sandbox or production environment:</p>
    <li><strong>Change sets</strong> : A change set is used to move changes from a development sandbox to a production environment. Change sets do not contain data. Change sets are best for deploying the same components to multiple organizations. Change sets are good for small deployments, but not preferred for large deployments. The Force.com Migration Tool can be used for large deployments as deployment components can be easily managed.</li>
    <li><strong>Force.com Migration Tool</strong> : Using the Force.com Migration Tool requires some setup. It is scriptable, so it is used for a multistage release process, where we can easily have scripted retrieval and deployment of components. Repetitive deployments using the parameters can be done. We can retrieve all metadata in the organization, make changes using the editor, and deploy the same subset of components.</li>
    <h3>Issues with traditional deployment</h3>
    <p>No versioning is provided in a sandbox environment, so it becomes difficult when multiple developers are working on a project and are not in sync. Keeping track of all changes in project can look like finding a needle in a haystack. Deployment with a change set is not recommended for large projects and creating a change set is not scriptable. So it becomes a repetitive task.</p>
    <p>The Force.com Migration Tool is good for large projects, but we do not have versioning, so we cannot revert code to its previous version. Also, we are not able to track changes done by developers.?</p>
    <p>We have different environments, such as development, test, stage, and production, in almost all technical stacks. In Salesforce, we use a sandbox for development and test environments. Sandboxes come in different types as per our requirement, and we can choose which sandbox to use. Let's look at the different types of sandboxes.?</p>
    <blockquote> <p><em>"Sandbox is copy of your production organization that contains the same configuration information or metadata, such as custom objects and fields, process builders,? flows, and so on."</em> </p></blockquote>
    <p>A sandbox is similar to the dev, test, and stage environments in other technology stacks. They are mainly used for the development of Salesforce applications and testing of newly developed features. We do not want to make changes in the production environment directly without testing it? thoroughly. So we need these different types of sandboxes; depending on what we can do with them, we can choose which one to use. Some sandboxes only have metadata from production, and some may have both metadata and data in them. Sandboxes also vary in size. Let's see how they differ.</p>
    <p>A sandbox is used to develop and test applications. Depending on the type of sandbox you use, it may also include a copy of the data from your production organization. A sandbox is completely isolated from the production organization, so any changes the developers make won't compromise the data, applications, or day-to-day activities of the other users in the production organization. It is ideal for developing complex customizations to minimize risks.</p>
    <p>There are various types of sandboxes:</p>
    <li><strong>Developer</strong> :? A Developer sandbox is used for development and testing. It provides a separate environment for coding and testing changes done by developers. According to Salesforce standards, one Developer sandbox should be used by one developer for coding at a time, but it is possible for multiple developers to log in at a time. However, a Developer sandbox does not keep track of changes done in it so there are lots of possibilities that developers may overwrite each other's code. A Developer sandbox has a copy of metadata from production. It does not contain data.</li>
    <li><strong>Developer Pro</strong> : A Developer Pro sandbox is also used for development and testing purposes, but this sandbox comes with increased storage size. Because of the increased storage size, this sandbox can handle more development workloads and can be used for data load and integration testing.?</li>
    <li><strong>Partial Copy</strong> : A Partial Copy sandbox contains all the metadata from your production organization, and it also contains a sample of the production organization's data, which is defined in the sandbox template while creating a Partial Copy sandbox. As this sandbox contains sample data, it is mainly used for testing purposes. We can use a Partial Copy sandbox for development, testing, and even for training purposes. Most people do not recommend them for load testing purposes.</li>
    <li><strong>Full</strong> : A Full sandbox is a replica of your production organization. It contains all the metadata and data from the production organization. It contains all data, which includes records, attachments, and so on. You can use sandbox templates to decide which data to copy from the production organization to the Full sandbox, depending on which testing operations you want to perform. A Full sandbox can be used for many purposes and supports load testing, performance testing, and staging. It is difficult to use a Full sandbox for development because it needs a long refresh interval.</li>
    <h2>Eclipse for Salesforce development</h2>
    <p>First, we will go through how we can use Eclipse for Salesforce application development. We will start from the very basic steps, such as installing Eclipse and Force.com IDE, followed by configuring Git with Eclipse.</p>
    <h3>Installing Eclipse Neon with the Force.com IDE plugin</h3>
    <p>We will start by installing Eclipse on the developer machine. To install Eclipse, you should have a minimum of Java 6 installed. If it is not installed, you can install it from the official website at? https://java.com/en/download/.</p>
    <p>We are going to install Eclipse Neon. Java version 7 is required for Eclipse Neon.</p>
    <p>The following are the prerequisites for a development environment for Salesforce:</p>
    <li>Operating systems:</li>
    <li>Windows 7, 8, or 10</li>
    <li>macOS 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, or 10.11</li>
    <li>Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or 14.04 LTS</li>
    <p>The installation steps are as follows:</p>
    <li>Eclipse 4.5 or later is recommended. Go to the download site at? https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/.</li>
    <li>Select the appropriate executable package for the operating system you are using.?</li>
    <li>Once the download is complete, you can proceed with Eclipse installation. Double-click on the .exe file if you are using Windows.</li>
    <li>The Eclipse IDE for Java Developers</strong> distribution is the recommended installer.</li>
    <li>Choose an installation folder for Eclipse and click on INSTALL</strong> . It will take some time to install Eclipse.</li>
    <li>After completing the installation, launch Eclipse. Select the workspace for Eclipse.</li>
    <li>You will see the? welcome page for Eclipse.</li>
    <p>Now we have installed Eclipse on our system, we can move forward with the installation of Force.com IDE.</p>
    <p>The following are the steps to install Force.com IDE:</p>
    <li>Launch Eclipse, go to the? Help?</strong> option and choose the? Install New Software</strong> option from the drop-down list:</li>
    <p style="clear: both"><img src="https://static.packt-cdn.com/produc...hics/80c0bea7-3e2a-46c5-8c3c-de50fe51ee3b.png" /></p>
    <li>Click Add</strong><strong>.</strong></li>
    <li>In the Add Repository</strong> dialog, set the name to Force.com IDE and the location to https://developer.salesforce.com/media/force-ide/eclipse45 :</li>
    <p style="clear: both"><img src="https://static.packt-cdn.com/produc...hics/78acc78d-6856-45b1-a8e7-530e68ec3a44.png" /></p>
    <li>Click OK</strong><strong>.</strong></li>
    <li>If you are not using Java 8, then deselect Show only the latest versions of available software</strong> , and it will show an older version of the plugin.</li>
    <li>Eclipse will show a list of all available plugins. Select the Force.com IDE</strong> plugin, and then click Next</strong> .</li>
    <li>In the Install Details</strong> dialog, click Next</strong> .</li>
    <li>Review the licenses, accept the terms, and click Finish</strong> .</li>
    <li>Eclipse starts downloading Force.com IDE and installs it and other required dependencies. Once the installation is completed, you need to restart Eclipse to reflect the changes. Click Yes</strong> .</li>
    <li>When Eclipse restarts, select Window | Open Perspective | Other</strong> . Select Force.com</strong> and then click OK</strong> :</li>
    <p style="clear: both"><img src="https://static.packt-cdn.com/produc...hics/be584bbc-5ad9-41dd-bfd3-8137b85d2da1.png" /></p>
    <p>We are done with setting up the Salesforce development environment in Eclipse.</p>
    <h3>Configuring a Force.com project in Eclipse</h3>
    <p>We have a Salesforce application, and we want Salesforce code in the local workspace we just created using Force.com IDE:</p>
    <li>Right-click on the? Package Explorer</strong> ? area, then choose New</strong> and select Force.com Project</strong> :</li>
    <p style="clear: both"><img src="https://static.packt-cdn.com/produc...hics/15d7ec84-4294-46d0-a5c6-e8ec65688a9d.png" /></p>
    <li>Create a new Force.com project. You need to provide details about your project. Enter the Project name</strong> and Organization Settings</strong> details for connection:?</li>
    <li>Username</strong> : Provide a username and append the sandbox name to it.</li>
    <li>Password</strong> : Provide a password for the given username.</li>
    <li>Security Token</strong> : You need to provide a security token for the sandbox.</li>
    <li>Environment</strong><strong>:?</strong> Choose the environment you are using, such as sandbox or Production Edition:</li>
    <p style="clear: both"><img src="https://static.packt-cdn.com/produc...hics/eef56235-901a-46b7-b69a-b30963cb3aac.png" /></p>
    <p>Once you have filled in all the details, click Next</strong> .</p>
    <p>We will get all the code in Eclipse from Salesforce. Now, whatever changes a developer makes in Eclipse will be in sync with the sandbox being used.</p>
    <h2>Technical and business challenges</h2>
    <p>Following traditional methods for the deployment of Salesforce projects is time-consuming. Also, the major problem is with versioning of code, which causes issues in every environment. A particular feature may run perfectly in a Developer sandbox, but we might face issues in production. Tracking every change done by developers and administrators is very difficult, so the miscommunication between teams can result in failed deployments or delay in product delivery.</p>
    <p>We can consider scenario where? a particular feature needs to be launched as soon as possible? and we are facing deployment issues. We may not able to resolve it in time and this will impact on our customers and business as well. We will face challenges such as the following:</p>
    <li>Failed deployments</li>
    <li>Unable to track issues</li>
    <li>No code coverage</li>
    <li>Failed test cases</li>
    <p>We need to streamline all these issues and have one solution which will solve almost all problems; here, DevOps comes into the picture!!</p>
    <h2>DevOps for Salesforce?</h2>
    <p>Yes, we can apply DevOps practice to Salesforce projects and achieve continuous integration and deployment, and continuous testing for Salesforce projects as well. In DevOps, we have a rich toolset that can also be used for Salesforce projects.</p>
    <p>Let's try to cover this step by step. The first and most important consideration is how we can achieve versioning in Salesforce where the Salesforce sandbox itself doesn't keep versions of code stored. A Salesforce sandbox stores only a minimal amount of information about changes, such as which user made the previous change and its timestamp. Obviously, this information is not enough to achieve full versioning. We can use a very popular source code management tool, Git for Salesforce projects, where the sandbox will be in sync with the Eclipse workspace and Git repository.?</p>
    <p>Salesforce provides a very useful tool for migration of metadata from a local repository to a sandbox, which is the Force.com Migration Tool. The Force.com Migration Tool is an Ant-based tool for moving metadata from a sandbox to local repositories. With the Force.com Migration Tool, we can perform operations such as retrieving metadata from a sandbox and deploying metadata to a sandbox.</p>
    <p>Using this Force.com Migration Tool with Jenkins, we can build our continuous integration jobs. Jenkins is an automation server that allows us to automate tasks such as building, testing, and deploying software on a particular environment. Jenkins is written in Java programming language and allows us to create continuous integration jobs. In later chapters, we will see how to use the Force.com Migration Tool with Jenkins and automate continuous integration tasks in Salesforce projects.</p>
    <p>Finding issues can be like finding a needle in haystack. We need to track issues in our project. There are many? applications present that we can use in our projects, such as Bug Tracker and Jira. This helps us to get an idea about issues in our project and in which environment they are present; also, it helps us be on track and stay updated. We will see some of these applications in detail in later chapters. We will also see how we can integrate these tools and have a CI-CD pipeline for Salesforce projects.</p>
    <p>Achieving continuous testing with Salesforce is possible with the help of tools such as Selenium and Qualitia. Selenium is a testing framework that is used to test web applications. Qualitia is a scriptless automation tool that helps to create test cases without writing scripts/code.</p>
    <p>Do you still have doubts about applying DevOps to Salesforce? The answer can be positive or negative, but, wait, do not mark it as your final answer because you have still to read the following chapters, where we will try to provide a clearer idea about using DevOps tools for Salesforce projects. Also, we will cover some examples and real-time scenarios about DevOps and Salesforce, so stay tuned!</p>
    <p>In this chapter, we got an overview of the traditional Salesforce development process, which environments are used for Salesforce development, and how we can set up a Salesforce development environment with Eclipse and Force.com IDE. Also we looked into sandboxes and the types of sandboxes used in Salesforce projects, and how they differ from each other.</p>
    <p>We also got some information about traditional deployment methods used for Salesforce projects, such as change sets and the Force.com Migration Tool and discussed which method is suitable for small and large projects. We also looked into technical and business challenges in Salesforce.</p>
    <p>In the next chapter, we will see how we can apply DevOps for Salesforce projects. We will compare other technical stacks with Salesforce and see how applying DevOps to Salesforce is different than DevOps in other technical stacks. We will also discuss various ways to apply DevOps to Salesforce.</p>
    <h3>About the Authors</h3>
    <h5>Priyanka Dive</h5>
    <p>Priyanka Dive is a DevOps engineer with substantial experience of working in the IT field on various technologies, such as Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, AWS, and Azure. She has worked on big data projects as a system and DevOps administrator. She has worked on Salesforce projects and implemented DevOps practices for small and large projects as well. She's a constant learner with a desire to learn anything new, and hence enjoys doing a lot of tech POCs. She is also a technical blogger who loves to write on emerging technologies. She is currently working as a DevOps Engineer Consultant for a US-based firm.</p>
    <p>Browse publications by this author</p>
    <h5>Nagraj Gornalli</h5>
    <p>Nagraj Gornalli is a Team Leader at Persistent Systems on Salesforce projects. He has more than eight years' experience in the IT field with different technologies. He has done many certifications' such as Salesforce Certified Administrator, Salesforce Certified Platform Developer, Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant, Data Integration Specialist, Advanced Apex Specialist, Data Integration Specialist, and cloud certified professional. He started as a trailblazer and is now ranked as a "Ranger" in trailhead.</p>
    <h2>Devops for salesforce</h2>

    <h3>Devops for salesforce</h3>
    Devops for salesforce <a href="http://remmont.com">National news in english</a> Devops for salesforce
    <h4>Devops for salesforce</h4>
    Implement DevOps for Salesforce and explore its features
    <h5>Devops for salesforce</h5>
    Devops for salesforce <a href="http://remmont.com">Devops for salesforce</a> Devops for salesforce
    SOURCE: <h6>Devops for salesforce</h6> <a href="https://dev-ops.engineer/">Devops for salesforce</a> Devops for salesforce
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